Public Reporting

Minerals Due Diligence Reporting Guidance

There is a growing expectation that companies will respect human rights, labor rights, the environment, and business ethics in their operations and throughout their supply chains. Stakeholders increasingly ask companies to publicly disclose their actions and outcomes on these issues, pushing for reporting that goes beyond regulatory requirements.

Reporting expectations for businesses are articulated in globally recognized frameworks such as the UN Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights and the OECD Due Diligence Guidance. However, further guidance is helpful to ensure public reporting by companies is meaningful and promotes accountability and transparency.

What We Do

The RMI supports and encourages meaningful public reporting on due diligence in mineral supply chains. To do so, we provide tools and resources to help companies disclose the actions they have taken and outcomes they have achieved:

Practical Guide to Minerals Due Diligence Implementation

Responsible Mineral Sourcing Reporting Toolkit

The RMI and the Global Reporting Initiative (GRI) developed a toolkit to advance reporting on responsible mineral sourcing, to help companies report  on commitments, due diligence processes and actions related to social impacts in the supply chain. The Responsible Mineral Sourcing Toolkit aims to encourage increased and improved reporting on responsible minerals sourcing, by providing an overview of key regulatory and stakeholder expectations, examples of reporting practice and relevant tools.

Step 5 Reporting Guidance

One of the requirements of the RMAP revised standards tasks smelters and refiners with developing a public report in accordance with the expectations of Step 5 of the OECD Guidance. This resource helps companies meet this expectation by providing recommended elements to be addressed in a Step 5 report as well as sample text.

Step 5 Report Writing Guidance (CHIENG | INDJPN | KOR)

EU Conflict Minerals Regulation Preparedness 

With the EU Conflict Minerals Regulation (CMR) going into effect January 1, 2021, obliging EU importers of tin, tantalum tungsten and gold (3TG) to source their minerals responsibly and to ensure that their supply chains do not contribute to funding armed conflict globally, the RMI and RBA developed a guidance document summarizing required and voluntary aspects of the regulation and highlighted available tools and resources to help companies meet their obligations under the regulation. 

What You Can Do

Increasingly, companies report publicly on their responsible minerals sourcing actions and outcomes. To help you get started:

  • Read through a couple of examples of publicly available reports by downstream companies, smelters and refiners or upstream companies.
  • Use the Step 5 Report Writing Guidance (CHIENG| INDJPN | KOR) to help you develop your own report.
  • Refer to company ratings to understand how stakeholders evaluate companies’ disclosures.

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